Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) consists of a total of 10 faculties and two arts colleges. The Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography, and Geosciences (Faculty 09) is one of the largest faculties at JGU.

All JGU members have both the right and the duty to participate in academic self-administration. Would you like to be involved in one of these areas of responsibility? Please contact your group representative on the Faculty Council regarding the subject committees, in consulation with the respective departement/institute management or your student council.

We use social media to report on news and interesting information from the faculty and look forward to sharing them.

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz considers respectful and appreciative interaction – both in everyday university life and in communication on social media to be of great importance. The basic rules for exchanging information on social media using netiquette are summarized here .

In addition to the central social media channels managed by the faculty, the Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and geosciences serveral of decentralized channels run by the institutes, programs and student councils in the faculty.

Find out more on the respective websites.